Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Exploring Trinity Trails in Fort Worth

The event for the evening - biking along the Trinity in Fort Worth.

This is a really great bike ride - Lots to see along the route and you can even yell at people who do not understand the concept of walking on the trails as they let their pets/kids wander into on-coming bike traffic. Fun, fun, fun!

The bike ride will be about 10 to 15 miles. Not that much, even if you are a beginner. You can ride at your own pace and meet other bike riders in the group.

Don will be leading the event. Look for him and his white truck. He will be there a little before 6:30 pm and you can also identify him as the one scanning the parking lot for you late-comers.

The meet-up designation is: University Dr. and I - 30, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Take the University Dr. exit off of the I-30, and then head North on University. Turn at the first right - there will be a sign for Trinity Trails, by the rail road tracks.

Hope you have fun - let me know the score of how many people you hit. ;-)

What do you do for fun?

Welcome to the big city of Dallas (or Fort Worth, if you want to get particular)!
Now what do you do?

Granted, Dallas isn't known for its funky architecture, hip (hippee-vibe) art scene, or any other notable influence that would attract people by the droves.
Sure - we've got big hair, we've got Dealy Plaza, we've got a costly new stadium for the Cowboys which not many of us can ever afford to go to...or can we???

Welcome to North Texas Adventures!

This is a relatively new site where strangers in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex come together to try new sporting activities, sit and sup, ride bikes together- heck, we even begin to like each other after awhile!

Current activities can be found on the Calendar of Events by clicking .

Take a look.
And check back here to see what kind of mischief we can get into.